How to Find High Demand Products to Sell on Amazon FBA

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Are you struggling to find high demand products to sell on Amazon? Choosing a product to sell based on intuition, laziness, frustration, or poor research can lead to selling low demand products and difficulty making any money. So, how do you find products that are in high demand?

One effective strategy is to look for products on Alibaba, a directory of suppliers and manufacturers where you can find a manufacturer for almost any product. Alibaba is where many people go to find suppliers for their products, making it a great place to find high demand products as well as new products about to hit the market.

To help you make informed decisions about product viability, consider using the Product Demand Analyzer by Helium 10. With just one click, you can see a variety of metrics related to a product, including how much demand it has on Amazon’s marketplace. To use the tool, simply search for a product on Alibaba, select your marketplace (such as the US), and the tool will provide you with data on total search volume, total revenue for the niche, average revenue, and average sales price.

It’s important to note that just because a product has high demand on Amazon doesn’t mean it will be easy to sell. To determine the potential success of a product, consider factors such as the competition in the market, the product’s price point, and the potential profit margin. It’s also a good idea to consider the product’s seasonality – if it’s a seasonal product, demand may fluctuate throughout the year.

In conclusion, finding high demand products to sell on Amazon is crucial to your success as a seller. By using tools like Alibaba and the Product Demand Analyzer, you can make informed decisions about which products to sell and increase your chances of success on the platform.

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Crescent Kao