New Amazon FBA Product Research Techniques for 2023 | Find Winning Products Fast

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What’s up guys, my name is Crescent. This product. This product. And this product, all make over $10,000 every single month on Amazon. And in this video, I’m going to show you the exact product research methods that I used to find these incredible products! And no, you don’t need to be a genius, have any special skills, or have an IQ over 150 to apply these strategies. All you have to do is pay attention, think outside of the box and smash the like button for the youtube algorithm. Ok, so the last one isn’t going to help you find any products but it will help other people to find this video as it let’s youtube know that you found value in this video and to show it to more people just like you and I’d really appreciate it, so thank you. And with that said, let’s get started.

Ok, so product research is the most important part of your Amazon business as selling a good product makes your life so much easier but trying to sell a bad product is just an uphill battle the entire way. And if you haven’t already, you will eventually realize that product research isn’t easy, so before I dive into my strategies, I’m going to share some valuable tips that I learned along the way and you’re not going to get from anywhere else. First, you need to understand that there’s no such thing as the perfect product. Every product idea will have some inherent risk. The key to being successful is to mitigate as much risk as possible. And when it comes to product research, that’s making sure that you understand your competition, how you can beat your competition by having a competitive advantage, and ultimately, making sure that the product you’re selling is profitable. So, if you follow my proven strategies, you’ll already be miles ahead of everyone else. But I want to point out that if you follow my strategies exactly to the tee, you’re just going to see the exact same product ideas that I’m going to show you in this video along with all the other people that are too lazy to apply a little bit of their own intuition and think outside the box. The key is to take the techniques I’m about to show and add your own little twist to them so that you can find product ideas that no one else is seeing. That way you can find products that aren’t saturated and avoid much of the risk of dealing with competitive niches.

Ok, so the first powerful method is exactly how I found my latest product and I call it the Letter Method. And this is a technique that I came up with on my own and up until right now, I’ve only shared it with my students but… I won’t tell if you don’t.

So the letter method is actually really easy. All we’re going to do is jump onto Amazon and in the search bar, we’re going to choose a random letter and see what the amazon a9 auto complete pulls up for us. For example, if we start with the letter A, we can see that the autocomplete has pulled up a bunch of product ideas here. These autocomplete phrases are listed by popularity so you know people are searching for these products. Now, what I like to do is scan down the list of phrases and see if any of them catch my attention. They key here is to look for products that you don’t immediately recognize. You know what the product is, I would skip it. It most likely going to be way to competitive. You want to focus on strange and out of the ordinary products. So, as you can see here, I’m sure we all know what these products are so to get a new list of product ideas, add another letter. For example, B. Scan the list and see if anything catches your eye. If not, add another letter. Let’s try O. Above ground pool cover clips. What’s that? Ok… so, I’ve never had an above ground pool but I assume this is something every pool owner is going to need to keep the cover on. Ok so let’s analyze this niche. First, we want to make sure we’re using the correct keyword phrase, this is very important. You always want to use the shortest, most relevant keyword phrase. In this case, I’m assuming these clips don’t apply to just above ground pools. So I’m going to do a search for just pool clips. You can see the same products pulled up in the search results so this is the better keyword phrase.

Ok, so like I said earlier, analyzing a niche is an entire video in itself so if you want to learn more about it, I’ll leave a link in the description to a video on it.

So as excited as I am right now, let’s get back to the letter method. So, if going down this path doesn’t lead you anywhere, you can go back one letter and choose a different one and see where that leads or you can start all over and choose an entirely new letter from the beginning and start over.

Alright? Pretty easy right? This next method I’m going to show is just as easy. I call it the Random String method. Ok I know, I didn’t put too much thought into coming up with some catchy names for these strategies but they work, like I just inadvertently showed you. So anyways, the random string method is just that, we’re going to jump back on Amazon and choose a category that you want to find products in like Home and Kitchen, and in the search field, enter a random string of letters. Make sure you enter at least 8 characters for this to work. And it’s not rocket science, you can literally just hit random keys on your keyboard. But make sure you put a dash in the beginning of the string. Dash is the minus key next to the backspace button. And when you hit search, you’ll see a random list of products in the search results. How this works is each time you search for a random string, you’ll get an entirely different list of products in the search. This is perfect because you want to always be thinking outside of the box to find product ideas and that no one else is seeing.

Now, what you want to do is pull up X-ray chrome exemption again so we can analyze the products that pulled up. Hit load more so that all the listings are pulled in and then in the filters menu, we’re going to filter out the listings that don’t meet our minimum criteria. So, lets hide the sponsored listings. Set the minimum price to 14.95, min sales to 300, min revenue to 6000, max weight to 2lbs, maximum reviews to 300 and hit Apply. Now, we can see that these listings meet the criteria that we set. If any of these listings are strange and out of the ordinary, then like we did before, we can analyze the niche to see if it’s a valid product idea to pursue. If not, go to the next page of the search search results, open up Xray, and repeat the process. Now, if you want to start over, you can always enter in a totally new random string of characters and start again. Pretty easy right? Like I said in the beginning, anyone can do this. You just need to put in the time and use a little bit of your own intuition.

Ok, so moving on. The next strategy I use I like to call the Inception Method. Ok, I have to admit, this one has a pretty cool name. If you’ve seen the movie, is all about diving deep into your dreams. Dreams within dreams. So with that same idea, the Inception method is looking for new product ideas within other product ideas.

For example, when you’re using any product discovery method and you find a product idea… so let’s say we’re looking at these reusable coffee pods. Actually, while we’re here, let’s take a look at the niche, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be way too competitive… so let’s do a search for reusable coffee pods… And open up Xray. Let’s take the numbers. If we take a look at the reviews, we can see that this niche is way to competitive like I thought… so anyways, to use the inception method, one place to dive deeper is to look at the sellers store. If this product happened to meet the criteria we had set in our filters maybe the seller has other products that also meet the criteria. So if we click on the store brikinte, we can see all the other products this seller has. Now, if we open up Xray, let’s see if any of these products are viable. Let’s set the filters again here and click apply. Ok, so we can see that none of the products are good.

Ok, so the store didn’t produce anything for us so let’s go back to the original product detail page and if we scroll down, we can take a look at the frequently bought together section for ideas. We can see these items are frequently bought together. Or we can take a look at the related products section. You can scroll through here and see anything catches your eye. Don’t forget there’s also another section at the bottom.

So as you can see, as you dive deeper into other product ideas, it can lead you down different paths to products that you wouldn’t normally find using the original product discovery strategy.

Ok, now this next strategy I’m going to show you is actually how I found my very product. I actually suggest using this method if you’re new to Amazon and you’re still learning how to find product ideas and analyze niches. This strategy uses Helium 10’s product database. Basically, Helium 10 has analyzed all of the products in the amazon marketplace and the tool lets you set filters to find products in the marketplace that meet those specific parameters. How powerful is that?

Ok, so this is what the product database called Black Box on Helium 10 looks like. It’s a great place to start looking for viable products and it’ll let you get used to looking at specific data and metrics and familiarizing yourself with what the different filters mean.

Now, this strategy will work in any marketplace but if you’re planning to sell in the US marketplace, choose US. Then pick the categories you want to find products to sell in. I personally only choose specific categories as you can see here. I avoid these categories because, like clothing and shoes, there’s way too many variations and returns to deal with. Electronics break all the time and can be hard to use. I avoid anything that you ingest, put in or on your body like lotions and creams because I just don’t want to be liable if someone get injured or hurt. Toys and games is way too competitive and the lifecycle of the products is way too short.

Ok, so keep in mind that none of these search criteria are set in stone. You can play around with them to find different products. For example, with the review rating, which is how many stars a listing has based on its reviews, you can set the maximum to 3.5 or something so that you can specifically look for products that are selling well despite having average or poor reviews.

Now when you click Search, Black Box will pull up a list of all the products on Amazon that match the search criteria you set. You can see the product image, title, price, monthly sales and revenue, the number of reviews and the review rating, how old the listing is, and a ton of other metrics. So, again, browse through the products and look for anything that’s strange or out of the ordinary that catches your eye.

Ok, so the next strategy I’m going to share with you is a method that I’ve been using more recently. I call this method the Barrier Method. I call it the barrier method because I’m looking for product ideas that generally have some sort of barrier or has some difficulty for most people to get involved with. For example, in today’s economy and for how popular e-commerce and selling on Amazon has become recently, I highly recommend selling high ticket products. High ticket products are products that sell around $50 and up. The barrier here is the higher start up costs since the products are typically going to cost more to purchase or manufacture. But high ticket items typically have higher profit margins and because of the higher costs, those niches typically have far less competition due to the barrier of entry.

Another barrier you can explore is by looking at products that are difficult to sell. These are products that may need special handling, are easily breakable, require special certifications, or are only accessible behind categories that are difficult to get ungated in. For example, beginners tend to stay away from large or oversized products and seasonal products. If you can navigate around the hurdles surrounding selling those types of products, you can access products that most people can’t or won’t even attempt to sell, however, I would still stay away from patented and trademarked products though. Trying to sell those products are just way too much of a hassle and risk to deal with.

And the last strategy that I use is what I call using your Intuition. This method doesn’t involve sitting in front of your computer but rather taking a new outlook on how you view your day to day activities. Whether you’re driving around town, shopping, visiting a friends house, or whatever, take notice of the items and products you see or interact with. You never know what might catch your eye or didn’t even know was something you could buy. So, basically, what I’m saying here is to just keep your eyes open and you’ll start seeing the world in a slightly different way. There are endless product idea possibilities around you every day, you just have to take notice of them.

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Crescent Kao